4 min read

What’s Best for Your Margin: T&M, Fixed Price, or Recurring Revenue?

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project cost estimation made simple
16 min read

Project Cost Estimation Made Simple: Definition, Techniques & Best Practices

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9 min read

Jira Companion for Project, Resource & Budget Management

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woman concentrating at work
7 min read

9 Tips for Avoiding Distractions at Work

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Forecast expands to UK with a new office in London
2 min read

Forecast Is Scaling Globally With a New Office in London

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sprint planning
19 min read

Everything You Need to Know About Sprint Planning

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man planning tasks for the upcoming year
5 min read

How to Estimate a Year’s Worth of Tasks in 1 Day

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7 min read

7 Reasons Why You Need Professional Services Automation

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3 min read

A message from Forecast's CEO on COVID-19

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11 min read

The Nuts & Bolts of Doing Project Financial Analysis

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5 min read

4 Ways Agile Is Different From Traditional Project Management

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4 min read

Announcing New Dramatically Improved Timesheets

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retainer management tools
8 min read

Forecast Introduces Powerful Tools to Manage Retainers

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AI-powered project schedule
5 min read

Meet Auto Schedule: The World's First AI-Powered Project Schedule

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project managers using AI to eliminate manual work
9 min read

How Forecast Uses AI to Assist Your Projects

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7 min read

4 Misconceptions of Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace

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Forecast 2019
9 min read

Forecast’s Year in Review & Big Plans for 2020

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Forecast's project portfolio report
5 min read

Say Hello to Forecast’s Massive Financial Report

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6 min read

How to Keep Projects on Budget Using Forecast

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New superior project budget management solution
4 min read

New Superior Budget Solution for Your Project Management

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